Within the past 10 or so years, Global Warming, a phenomenon in which our carbon emissions have begun to deplete the ozone layer and allow more and more "greenhouse gases" to trap sunlight inside, has become a problem seemingly too large to fix. This may or may not be true depending on how one looks at it. Although the problem may be too far gone to fix completely, there are certainly ways in which Americans can make a change in their everyday lives.
The most important thing Americans can do, is to spread the word. A powerful example of this is with the Kony 2012 video, which recently went viral and influenced the awareness of millions of Americans all across the country. With such a powerful media force today, this would not be terribly difficult, if only it was attempted.
The documentary An Inconvenient Truth is one such example of a media propaganda. This movie describes in detail many of the changing aspects of our world because of global warming, and creates a powerful visual towards the need for change. Despite these brilliant uses of media, not enough people have witnessed the movie, which forces the movie to lose its power. If only this was required to watch in schools, more people would get to view it and learn about the ways in which they could make a change.
After the first time I viewed this film last year, I had a discussion with my family about the need to change our everyday living customs. Both my brothers and I were able to describe to my parents the various ways in which Al Gore showed the deprecating planet conditions. If everyone were to see this movie in school, millions of these conversations would be taking place, and millions of changes would be made every day in regards to our planet.
Other ways in which we can help make a difference are certain things such as riding a bike rather than driving everywhere, only using as much gas as necessary, taking shorter showers, recycling, using less water, etc. There are many ways in which Americans can make a change, we just need to step up and do it. We know the truth about global warming and now it is time to react.
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